About the Journal

Information about the journal

Journal «Вulletin of the Кaraganda University. «Law» series is registered by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The registration certificate number is 13108-Zh from 23.10.2012.The certificate on statement on the re-registration of the periodical from 30.09.2020 year.

Owner: Non-profit limited company “Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova”

Series "Law"registered in the ISSN International Center for the Registration of Serials (UNESCO, Paris, France) ISSN 2518-7945.ISSN 2518-7945 (Print). ISSN 2663-5119 (Online).

The journal Вulletin of the Кaraganda University. «Law» seriesand published articles are assigned a digital object identifier - DOI 10.31489

Вulletin of the Кaraganda University. «Law» seriesis included in the list of publications recommended for publishing the main results of scientific activity by Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (dated 27.12.2012, No. 1735 and 12.03.2021, No. 227).

The periodicity of the scientific publication is 1 time per quarter, i.e. four times a year. The timeliness of the scientific publication is strictly observed.

Languages of publications: English.

Frequency of scientific publication: four times a year, i.e. 1 time per quarter. The timeliness of the scientific publication is strictly observed.


The journal is included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific activity (list of journals recommended by CQAES).

The journal is included in the specialized reference bibliographic service CrossRef, each author's article is assigned a DOI – a digital object identifier that is used to provide a citation, reference and access to electronic documents. DOI of the journal is https://doi.org/10.31489/2518-7945

Dates of submission and publication of articles   

Date of submission of the article


Date of publication

No. 1 issue until November 15th

March 30th

No. 2 issue until February 15

June 30

No. 3 issue until May 15

September 30

No. 4 issue until September 15th

December 30th

 The editorial policy of the journal was approved by the decision of the Editorial Board of the journal «Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Law series» (Protocol №2 from 12.03.2020).

Targets and goals

The purpose of the publishing house is to publish scientific papers on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the field of legal science.

In each issue of the Law series, scientific works on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the sphere of legal science are published: philosophy of law, theory and history of state and law, history of political and legal doctrines, international public and private law, comparative law, constitutional law, administrative law and public administration, civil law and process, labor law, environmental law, criminal law and criminology, criminal procedure and forensic science, problems of other branches of law.

The publishing strategy of the editorial board of the journal is aimed at implementing the following tasks:

- ensuring a high scientific level of the journal and its promotion in the international scientific community;

- an increase in future publication in English;

- expanding the geography of publications and readership;

- Strengthening scientific ties between Kazakhstani and foreign scientists;

- an increase in the scientific citation index and impact factor of the journal.

 The journal does not publish:

- materials that do not correspond to the subject of the magazine;

- materials published by authors earlier in other publications;

- materials containing spelling or other errors that cannot be corrected, as well as statements and hypotheses that directly contradict established scientific fact

 Thematic focus

The scientific works in English languag ​​on actual problems of fundamental and applied research in the sphere of jurisprudence are published in every issue in the series "Law":

  • Theory and History of State and Law,
  • History of political and legal doctrines,
  • International public and private law,
  • Comparative Law,
  • Constitutional law,
  • Administrative Law and Public Administration,
  • Civil law
  • Civil Procedure,
  • Labor law,
  • Environmental Law,
  • Criminal Law and Criminology,
  • Criminal proceedings
  • Criminalistics,
  • Problems of other branches of law.

The editorial board does not accept the article if the document contains a disguise of borrowings: generated text (artificial intelligence).

Editorial office address: 28 Universitetskaya str., Karaganda, 100028, Kazakhstan

E-mail: pravo_vestnik@mail.ru

Website: https://law-vestnik.ksu.kz/index.php/law  

The e-mail address of the KarU publishing house: izd_kargu@mail.ru

Current Issue

2024, 29, 4 (116)
Published: 2024-12-25

Full Issue


  • The legal prоvisiоn оf militаry security оf the Republic оf Kаzаkhstаn: the cоmpаrаtivе lеgаl аnаlуsіs

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    R.B. Botagarin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/7-15
  • The Institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights: history, modernity, prospects

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    V.S. Issabekova
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/16-24
  • Current issues of legislative support for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control and supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    B.A. Sarbassov, L.T. Zhanuzakova, A.T. Toleubekuly
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/25-37
  • Conflict of interest prevention as a method of fighting corruption

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    P.S. Berzin, Ye.B. Yeszhanov
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/38-50


  • Peculiarities of subordinate lawmaking in the conditions of digitalization

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    N.S. Akhmetova, A.I. Birmanova
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/51-59
  • Use of artificial intelligence in legislation: organizational and legal aspects

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    A.K. Kuttybaeva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/60-69
  • Dogmatical Thoughts on Rohingya Case

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    Wang He-yong, Lola Tatarinova
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/70-78


  • Methods of investigation of crime: current state, problems of construction and direction of improvement

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    A.M. Khlus
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/79-87
  • The criminal legal meaning of the terms “defenseless” and “dependent on the perpetrator”

    Views: 14
    T.E. Sarsenbayev
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.31489/2024l4/88-95


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