

Checking of scientific articles for plagiarism is carried out by the executive secretary of the Journal Series in accordance with the "Regulation on the verification of educational, scientific, diploma, master's and doctoral dissertations for plagiarism", approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of Ye.A. Buketov KSU from 2019.

The author of a scientific article provides it in electronic form within the time limits established by the schedules for the publication of journals and in accordance with the requirements for scientific articles. Verification of scientific articles for the presence of borrowings is carried out using the "Antiplagiat" system» (,  and

A scientific article should contain the results of original scientific research previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications. Scientific articles submitted for publication in scientific journals should comprise at least 70% of the original text. If the article does not comply with the originality standard, the article is sent for revision with a printout of the audit report. If the article is not corrected or, after refinement, it does not meet the standards of originality, the editorial board decides on the inadmissibility of its publication.

The editorial board does not accept the article if the document contains a disguise of borrowings: generated text (artificial intelligence).

Further, a scientific article is peer-reviewed by at least two independent scientists or specialists on relevant topics who are not members of the editorial board.

Articles are reviewed within 30 days from the day the article was received by the journal. The decision to publish an article in a journal is made upon receipt of a positive review.

The editorial board has the right to reject articles that in its opinion do not meet the requirements of the journal. The reason for rejecting the article may be its lack of relevance, lack of scientific novelty.

If the article is rejected, the editorial board reserves the right not to conduct a discussion on the grounds for rejection. In case of rejection of the article, this article is not submitted for review for the second time to the editorial board.

Received materials are not refundable.