Author Guide
Articles are accepted by the editors through the online system for submitting and reviewing articles.
Authors must submit articles in two files (Word only):
- an article designed in accordance with the requirements of the editorial board of the journal;
- an article without specifying the author's full name and place of work for blind review.
The article should consist of the following sections:
Abstract (150-200 words)
- research objectives;
- methods that have been investigated;
- achieved results;
- brief conclusions.
Keywords (Keywords) (10-15 words)
- Relevance of the research topic;
- the purpose of the study, tasks;
- conflicts in theory, methodology, practice or research findings;
- gaps in research or theoretical schools;
- the point of view of the author in a review of the literature.
Methods and materials
- a description of the methods and materials that the authors used specifically for this article.
- description of the author’s observation and results;
- the novelty of the results achieved;
- The results should be consistent with the stated goals and objectives of the article;
- description of the idea, the concept that has found application (specifics)
- tables, figures (if they are).
- comparison of research results with similar in other works;
- writing about differences or similarities (or about differences and similarities);
- agreed with some facts, disagreed with others;
- to analyze and explain the results;
- make a generalization and evaluation of the results;
- determine the scientific concept, from the position of which one can explain the results;
- make an assessment of the reliability of the results.
- systematization of the results that were explained in the discussion;
- summary of the results (most important);
- a description of the practical and scientific value of the study;
- Description of the possible areas of application of the research results.
Requirements for specifying the source of financing
In accordance with the rules for the design of the article, the author is obliged, after the end of the text of the article, to indicate the source of funding (the authors must refer to the grant received, indicating the IRN of the project and the source of funding):
- "This study has not received funding."
- "This study was funded by the Committee on Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (grant no. AP00000000)", where AP000000000 is the IRN of the project, etc.
The text on financing in English-language publications should be as follows: "This research has been/was/is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP00000000)", where AP00000000 is the IRN of the project.
Requirements for the design of the article
The editors of the journal asks the authors to follow the requirements below. Articles drawn up in violation of the requirements are not accepted for publication and are returned to the authors.
The article, including bibliography, tables, should not exceed 10 pages of text typed on a computer (Microsoft Word editor), the minimum article size is 6 pages. An electronic version of the article must be submitted to the editors.
The following requirements are imposed on the paper:
Fields of the manuscript should be: upper and lower - 25 mm, left and right - 20 mm. Font - Times New Roman, size - 11 pt. Line spacing is single. Justified. Indention - 0.8 cm.
In the upper left corner is given the UDC article,
In the center are given:
- Surnames and initials of the authors (in three languages, e.g.: S.T. Әsetov, C.T. Acetov, S.T. Assetov)
- The full name of the institution represented by the author (indicating the city) and email address. If the authors are from different institutions, then the correspondence between the author and the institution is established by superscripts, for example:
S.T. Asanov1, S.B. Kasenov2
Academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University
Scopus Author ID: ХХХХХХХХХ
2 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Scopus Author ID: ХХХХХХХХХ
- Title of the article (bold) in Kazakh, Russian, English.
An abstract (150-200 words) is placed in front of the text of the article, in Kazakh, Russian and English languages that meet the requirements of information content, richness and quality of translation. The abstract should not duplicate the introductory or final sections of the article. The text of the abstract should not contain references to the list of references, abbreviations, abbreviations, obscure notation.
Keywords (10-15 words) should be presented after the annotation, which may consist of individual words and phrases.
Next is the text of the article.
The cited literature should be given by a general list at the end of the article with the reference in the text of the article by an ordinal number, for example, [1]; [2]. References are given in the order of mention in the article.
The first reference in the text to the literature should have the number [1], the second - [2], etc. When referencing a result from a book, its number from the list of references and (separated by semicolons) the page number on which this result is published is indicated. For example: [8; 325]. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
Information about the authors is filled in Kazakh, Russian, English.
Information about each of the authors includes the following information:
- Surname Name Patronymic (fully),
- position,
- Academic title, academic degree,
- place of work,
- town; contact details (phone, e-mail) of the author (or authors).