Some questions of the victimological concept of the victim
victimology, criminology, criminal law, criminal procedure code, victim of crime, victim, subject, damage, moral damage, material damageAbstract
The purpose of this article is to investigate the concept of «victim» of crimes. The article deals with issues related to the definition of victim of crime, the relationship between the terms «victim» of crime and «victim». The different views of scientists on the concepts of «victim», «victim» and «subject of crime» are analyzed. The methodological basis of the study is the scientific provisions of criminal law, criminology and victimology. In the course of studying modern theories of definition of «victim» concept, conclusions were obtained through qualitative and quantitative analysis of socio-legal, criminal-legal phenomena and processes. Current realities show that victimization is closely linked to criminalization. In the context of globalization, during the declaration of a global pandemic with a wide spread of crime, the number of victims increased, and a large number of people joined the criminal community. Isolating a person from society, living locked up in quarantine conditions has influencedthe increase in the number of victims of domestic violent crimes, high-tech crimes. Accordingly, during the formation of a theoretical view of the concept of the victim of crimes, the need to define their rights, as well as their legislative approval, is justified. That is, the need to create a system of subjective rights considering the right to restore the legal status of victims of crimes whose rights were violated by unlawful actions was revealed. The results obtained in this article can be used in the educational process, to write textbooks or workbooks, and to publish articles on the given subject.