National and international mechanisms for the protection of cultural human rights
cultural human rights, protection of cultural rights and freedoms, state defence, mechanisms, principle of defence, the universality of human rights, ombudsman, special institutes, legal and disciplinary procedures, international control, international organizationsAbstract
In the article the issues of international and domestic legal mechanisms for the protection of cultural human rights and factors affecting on the effectiveness of achieving this goal are considered. Protection of cultural rights of human being is currently one of the most relevant and demanded themes of science and practice, which requires their scientific justification. The author notes that for the first time in the national science a complex study of the main national mechanisms for the protection of cultural human rights and principles of their implementation is carried out. The universal system of protection of cultural human rights is analysed in the article, which operates within the framework of the UNO in key international agreements on human rights. The author marks defects in activity of this system and offers measures on the increase of its efficiency. As a result of research a necessity for the protection of cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen is proven. Comparatively legal analysis of the constitutional and legal mechanisms for the protection of cultural rights and freedoms of human in the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted, including foreign countries. The article describes and exposes basic descriptions of subjects of protection of cultural rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The actual issues of protection of cultural human and citizen rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. It is marked that a national legislation is worked not enough for the effective decision of problem of cultural human rights. The author of the article marks interest to the exposure and analysis of range of problems of the legislative adjusting, creation for realization of mechanisms of protection of cultural rights and freedoms of man.