On the accuracy of the texts of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General part) in the Kazakh and Russian languages
legal technique, civil legislation, civil law, contradiction, legal system, rule of law, Kazakh language, Civil Code, current law, dictionary, sequenceAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problems associated with legal technology in relation to the quality of translations of legislative acts into the state language. The authors analyze the theoretical provisions of legislative techniques and texts of civil legislation in the state language. On this basis, errors in the translation of legal norms are identified, the problems of poor-quality translation of the text of legislative acts in the Kazakh language are generalized, conclusions are drawn on the improvement of legal technology in the development of legislative acts in the state language. The study identified real gaps and contradictions in the field of the civil legislation, described cases of incorrect application of the rules of legal technique. In order to increase the prestige of the Kazakh language in lawmaking practice in the state organizations and local self government bodies, the authors propose to exclude the provision that the Russian language is officially used on an equal basis with the Kazakh language. They also propose the introduction of a unified legal terminological dictionary containing ordered, generally accepted, uniform and properly formalized legal terms. The authors, by analyzing the existing theoretical views and the comments made, offer options for the correct translation of the norms of law into the Kazakh language and ways to improve the legal technique for translating the text of regulatory legal acts into the Kazakh language. The research results are new and original, the author's position is justified and is of interest to employees whose activities are related to the linguistic examination of draft laws in the state language