Constitutional and legal responsibility of political parties of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • D.B. Kalmaganbetova


political parties, the activities of political parties, the rights and obligations of political parties, the responsibility of political parties, control over the activities of political parties


The aim of the work is to develop on the basis of the analysis of theoretical materials and the results of practi-cal activities in the study area specific recommendations and proposals relating to the constitutional and legal  responsibility of political parties. The objectives of the study are: analysis of criminal liability of political par-ties, which are the most severe offenses under the legal acts of Kazakhstan; consideration of all types of cases  of civil liability of political parties; other types of responsibility of political parties of the Republic of Ka-zakhstan, the consequences for their further activities on the territory of Kazakhstan. Having considered the  foreign legislation on the responsibility of political parties, it was found that the content of some articles of  the constitutional and legal documents isquite rigid. In the article the specific criminal law and administrative  law norms establishing the responsibility of political parties through its representatives and members in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries are analyzed. The problems associated with the implementation  of administrative and judicial control, as well as regulatory and legal aspects of the functions of control over  the activities of structural and territorial units of political parties of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the repre-sentative and judicial authorities are considered. In addition, the norms of the constitutional responsibility for  the violation of the electoral legislation by the political parties of Kazakhstan are considered.




