Causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of economic smuggling crimes in the historical context and modern conditions


  • Zh.D. Seilkhanov
  • A.T. Toleubekov



economy, smuggling, qualification of crimes, historical causes and conditions, composition of crimes, lethality, criminogenic determinants, customs, national security, border, reform


The article examines the general reasons causing the commission of economic smuggling crimes and legal factors, national experience, the experience of foreign countries, indicating the impossibility of combating crime without identifying scientifically sound and proven concepts and features of economic smuggling crimes. The study considers the problems of theory and practice of combating economic smuggling in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the identification of comprehensive objective foundations. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of domestic and foreign legal scholars on combating economic crime, legislative and regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The information basis of the study is the data of the Fi-nancial Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the results of the authors’ research. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach to the study of eco-nomic smuggling crime, abstract-logical, normative-statistical, monographic methods. In the historical con-text and modern conditions in Kazakhstan, the general causes and conditions contributing to the commission of economic smuggling crimes, legal factors, the absence of a subject of full interest in reducing economic smuggling crimes, the adoption of any preventive measures for economic smuggling are revealed. Currently, the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to economic smuggling is under serious threat. There-fore, this article pays special attention to the activities of customs authorities to counter economic smuggling. Such criminal acts are currently taking place in large numbers, and issues of clarifying the circumstances and understanding their causes are being considered to prevent them. This article concludes that the termination of control while maintaining the stability of factors provoking the growth of mercenary encroachments on state property created a zone outside the usual public attention, changed the atmosphere of indifference of the population to illegal actions destroying the country, understanding it as a great threat to the nation, led to the search for new ways and forms of crime and struggle.




