Experience of foreign countries lawmaking in ensuring the quality of laws
regulatory activity, digitalization of regulatory activity, electronic government, the concept of “smart regulation”, “Simplification” of legislation, “Open Government”, “Open NLA”Abstract
One of the main goals of regulatory activity in any country is to ensure the quality and stability of regulatory legal acts taken in the country. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, reforms are consistently carried out on the formation of a “hearing state”, where the position of a citizen as an end-user is in the first place, the so-called “person-centered” model of government control. The research aims to study the experience of the regulatory activity of foreign countries and the development of recommendations aimed at improving the quality of leg-islation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study’s methodological basis comprises the laws and categories of materialistic dialectics, contributing to the knowledge of individual legal phenomena, general scientific methods of knowledge of public phenomena and processes, methods of scientific analysis and synthesis. Through a formal legal method, an analysis of the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakh-stan was carried out. An analysis of the application of the concept of “smart regulation” in foreign countries and the study of their legal regulation were carried out by applying the comparative-legal method. The specif-ic-sociological method was used to present the views of international and domestic experts on the issues un-der consideration. The article presents a review of research on the quality of state regulation in the countries of the world. The study made it possible to identify general approaches in the OECD countries, the EU, the CIS to the transition from the traditional public administration to the format of the “person-centered” model of public administration.