Anti-human-trafficking policy in the system of public policy
crime prevention, human exploitation, human trafficking, criminal policy, strategic state planning, anti-trafficking policyAbstract
The article is devoted to the problematics of the new phenomenon of “the policy of combating crime associated with human trafficking”, which is relevant in modern theory of law and criminal political science. The article discusses the need to create a balanced integrative model that will occupy its niche in the system of international (global) and national state–legal policy, taking into account new paradigms in the field of state strategic planning, based on an interdisciplinary approach. In the process of modeling the direction in criminal policy, it is necessary to place special emphasis on the issues of localization, correlation and systemic relationships with other components of state (external, migration, economic, gender, general legal) policy. The author of the article notes that in the general legal system, including criminal policy in relation to such global challenges and criminal threats as corruption, drug addiction, terrorism, anti-corruption, anti-terrorist, (antidrug) policies are singled out. Along with this, there is no so-called “anti-trafficking” policy — a policy of combating crime related to human trafficking, which in general negatively affects the effectiveness of the fight against it. In this regard, the necessity of adopting a separate regulatory legal act in the field of combating this type of crime is substantiated.