Some aspects of illegal migration


  • M.Sh. Jussupov
  • A. Bozhkarauly


international migration, illegal migration, types of illegal migration, smuggling of migrants, illegal migrants, illegal stay


Today, international migratory processes are the current issue of modern society. The use of migrant workers
from other states plays an important role in the economy of the country. Also, when moving people between
governments, the norms of international and intra-state and intra-state laws of the respective countries can be
violated and harm is caused to various spheres by the public. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to develop
international cooperation in the regulation, prevention and suppression of illegal international migration. The
high level of illegal migration causes security in many countries of the world, as it entails a number of negative
consequences and threats for society and the state. Improvements to the criminality of the world In the
course of the study the following methods were applied: analysis, structural-functional method, sociological
method, legal qualification, method of comparative analysis. As a result of the study, the following results
were achieved: the definition of illegal migration and illegal migrants was determined; identified types of illegal
migration; factors of the emergence of illegal migration; measures directed against boron with unauthorized
migration. Thus, the emergence of illegal migration is associated with pushing factors (poverty,
unemployment, crises) in the countries of origin of migrants and attracting in countries of destination (higher
wages, employment opportunities, security).




