Concept of bringing minors to administrative responsibility
Administrative law, administrative offense, administrative responsibility, offense, administrative penalty, features of administrative responsibilityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to consider the legal issues of the concept of attracting lawyers, sociologists, psychologists and other specialists who study the problems of the Genesis of offenses and the laws of the mechanism of legal responsibility for administrative offenses. As practice shows in the article, timely preventive measures taken to prevent administrative offenses of minors are of particular importance in legal and educational relations, as an alternative to measures of administrative responsibility. The author also emphasizes in this article that understanding and studying the Genesis of the offense will help to identify the causes, motives, purpose and take appropriate preventive measures.if this is not an offense, it will at least help to prevent the offense that can be expected in the future. As you know, any society needs stability, security and prosperity, and they can not be accessible without the knowledge and use of domestic and international experience gained in the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and preventing juvenile delinquency. This is due to the fact that the degree of well-being of any state can be formulated on the basis of indicators that characterize its development and the extent of juvenile delinquency in this state.