The Kazakh Biy court – the fundamentals of contemporary court system
bi, the supreme bji, an orator, the golden age, «Zheti zharhy», the laws of the steppe, the court of bjis, rule, decisionAbstract
Тhe article deals with the spiritual enrichment and perfection of the present generation of our ancestors, analyzes the study of famous personalities who have made a significant contribution to the the Kazakh society formation, its development and prosperity, as well as its economic trajectory. It is obvious that in the history of the Kazakh state as a special phenomenon the system of bjis in the leadership of the country, its culture. It has long been formed this system in the great steppe has reached a high level. The system of bjis as a phenomenon that synthesized various knowledge had a huge impact on the community formation, its worldview,
existence, its socialization, cultural development. Also in consciousness of people there were great words of our ancestors: «An honest bji has no relatives, bji with relatives has no holiness» , «If the Khan as witty as forty bright people, bji has conscience of forty people». In Kazakh society, it was considered a prerequisite for the implementation of domestic «among the tribes bjis made fair decisions that is proper for noble ones, such as» be as honest as the day is long» . It is important to emphasize the national interest in public speaking skills of bjis on the way of development of the nation as «Mangilik El» is a greater role played by a fair judgment, a fair decision of our Supreme judges.