Improvement of state administration in the transport sphere: problems of legal regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine


  • E.N. Klyueva
  • G.A. Ilyassova


transport, transport complex administration, transport legislation, transport safety, the authorized state body, agencies, Kazakhstan, Ukraine


The authors have analyzed the transport legislation of Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the sphere of state administration regulation of the transport complexes. The system of public transport authorities and an analysis of the legislation norms regulating their tasks in the sphere of management of the relevant mode of transport are considered. The comparative characterization of the state bodies’ powers in the sphere of transport management is carried out in the article. The issues of reforming of maritime industry, namely reforming of the management seaport and maritime safety in Ukraine were analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research is in the
fact that it is one of the first scientific studies of legal regulation problems of state administration by the transport complexes of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine in modern conditions. This problem has great scientific theoretical and practical importance for the development of the transport complex of the country. Particular attention is paid to the little-known and controversial solved problems in the scientific literature about improvement of state bodies’ activity and the whole about the national legislation in the transport sphere. At the end of the article the authors formulated proposals to improve the governance of the mechanism of legal regulation in the sphere of transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine.




