Civil society and the legal state: interaction and limits of integration
state, society, civil society, law, oppression, citizenship, democracy, political and legal analysis, statist state, presumption of lawAbstract
The article discusses the issues of interaction and integration actions of the rule of law and civil society living in the state during the period of modern dynamically developing globalization. Relations between the government and civil society are formed on the basis of a public agreement, and interaction is aimed at reaching a compromise. Citizens of a democratic state enjoy the right to independent freedom, but at the same time, they, along with other state institutions, share responsibility for building the future. The main goal of the article is to establish the limits of interaction and influence of civil society and the rule of law, contributing to
the formation of the Kazakhstan personality, an active political and legal, independently shaping its life, actively participating in political and social reformp. The need to consider this goal consists in a scientifictheoretical and scientific-theoretical examination of the boundaries of influence and interaction of civil society and the rule of law in modern globalization trends using general physical and individual scientific methods of the theory of state and law and general physical, cognitive, informative, informative, historical, comparative legal, conceptual methods of performance the following conclusions were drawn: an open dialogue representative State and civil society, however, can reduce the activity of both stakeholders in the development of civil society in the country. Today, for civil society institutions in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to form and develop mechanisms of self-organization, public control, and engage in a dialogue of meaningful interaction with government bodiep.