On trends of criminal and legal policy for countering extremist crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan
anti-extremist legislation, trends of criminal policy, extremist crimes, statistical accounting, countering extremismAbstract
To determine the current state of counteraction to this negative phenomenon, the authors conducted a comparative study of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1997 and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2014. The study object is the effectiveness of countering extremist crime based on the analysis of official statistics for the period 2015–2019. The study subject is the signs of extremist crimes. On the basis of the analysis of trends and amendments made to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at countering criminal extremist structures, the necessity to ensure stable criminal law prohibitions in this area is concluded. In order to develop anti-criminal measures, it is proposed to apply an approach based on continuous monitoring of both: criminal situation and criminal law policy trends, building appropriate criminological models using quantitative and qualitative indicators. The significance of the formation of a scientifically based forecast of extremism as a negative social and legal phenomenon, which should be the basis for the planned activities, is separately indicated. It is noted that not all methods for analyzing time series and statistical tables make it possible to ensure the necessary accuracy of the forecast formed.