Some issues of the special legal status of the city of Baikonur
city of Baikonur, Baikonur cosmodrome, status of the city, administrative-territorial unit of the Republic of Kazakhstan, city of federal significance, citizenship, social and economic rights, international agreements, taxesAbstract
The article discusses the city of Baikonur which is considered as an administrative-territorial unit of the Republic of Kazakhstan, operating under lease conditions and in relations with the Russian Federation, for the period of lease of the Baikonur complex, it is endowed with a status corresponding to the city of federal significance of the Russian Federation, with a special regime for the safe operation of facilities, enterprises and organizations as well as residence of citizens. Since the city of Baikonur and the cosmodrome have a special legal status and are unique in the world, there are many issues that need to be solved. Simultaneous operation of Baikonur in two legal spaces raises a number of legal issues that significantly complicate its activities. These issues are analyzed in the work in accordance with the Kazakhstan and Russian legislation and international agreements. Issues of legal regulation of the status of the city require special scientific and theoretical research, analysis and understanding of changes, as it allows to develop specific legal proposals, methods and technologies that will help to improve and optimize the status of the city. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the status of Baikonur, to identify its current aspects, to prepare recommendations for improving the legislation and practice in this area.