The Trends in the development of the institution of civil service: Kazakhstan and the best world practices


  • B.A. Taitorina
  • A.D. Muhmatova
  • G.T. Baisalova



law, the state, public service, public administration, efficiency, modernization


The development process of any state and the effectiveness of the implementation of the state's strategic goals especially depend on the quality and efficiency of the state apparatus. The actualization of the modernization of the public administration and public service system is due to the current situation — during the spread of coronavirus infection, the inability of the public administration system to mobilize available resources to pro-tect the right of citizens to health protection and the rights of medical workers was clearly manifested. Failure to ensure a timely response to challenges and threats by creating by-laws in pursuance of legislative acts led to negative results, legal nihilism of the state apparatus entailed losses of human lives irreversible for the state and society. The article examines the problems of reforming the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the best world practices of civil service. The authors of the article actualize the need to choose an effective and fair model of public administration, which should be adequate to the needs of society, taking into account the challenges of the time, to provide quality public services to the population using modern technologies. The basis for a radical reorientation of all the activities of state bodies should be  represented by  the transition from the general regulation of public relations in the field of public administration to the  high-quality provision of public services to the population inthe image and likeness of British, Singapore and oth-er best world public service practices. Modernization of the legislation on civil service should reflect the prin-ciple of personnel stability, the principle of cascading strategic documents to each  employee; the principle of  fair evaluation and stimulation of the professional achievements of employees.




